The top 7 Reasons for Dust Detection in Industrial Environments

For industries handling bulk and powders, awareness of dust levels in risk areas is important and will give operators immediate indication so they can respond to possible dust events accordingly.  Plant managers are looking to Sintrol when their dust events are causing them one or more of the following issues.  

dust monitoring

1. Health & Safety

Regardless of the industry, worker health should be of utmost importance. Respiratory dust is a serious occupational hazard and an issue that most plants are having to be concerned about.  Compliance monitoring requires precise analysis and reporting often done in intervals. 24/7 real-time dust detection will give workers and operators immediate indication if dust levels are increasing due to some unwanted event.  

2. Dust Explosions

Given proper conditions, dust can be the fuel of a serious explosion and is a concern for plant owners globally. Real-time dust monitoring in high-risk areas will: 

  • Immediately alert operators when high dust levels are detected 
  • Give indication of dust leaks which may become dangerous levels of accumulated dust.   

Dust detectors in risk areas can significantly help mitigate employee death or injury, fires, or even destruction of the entire facility.


Ëquipment failure

3. Equipment Failure

Dusty environments can drastically reduce the efficiency and lifetime of the equipment. The sooner operators become aware of unwanted dust events the sooner they can respond. The quick response will reduce the wear and tear of your industrial equipment and less cleaning will need to be done.

4. Neighbourhood Nuisance 

For industrial sites bordering residential areas, fugitive dust emission can become a source of tension. Plant owners often face the pressure to reduce nuisance dust to the community. Simple dust detection at the possible dust sources will give the operators both immediate information of a dust problem and the tools to respond quickly.

Clean flour mill

5. Good Housekeeping practice 

The more dust you have the more you need to clean. Regardless of the industry, plant managers are committed to keep a clean and safe working environment. Accumulated dust is usually causing issues. Smartly placed dust detectors will make good housekeeping procedures more efficient.

product loss

6. Product Loss 

The high efficiency and throughput of industrial plants nowadays is awesome. With huge volumes of throughput, a minor unwanted leak may lead to major product loss. Small leaks to large process interruptions can often be quickly determined by real-time dust monitoring. Product loss prevention is usually extremely profitable.


7. Environmental Responsibility

The days of justifying problems by saying that “it has always been done like that” are over. Responsible Directors of corporations are striving to find ways to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Factories often have many secondary sources of dust that are considered harmless but when summed up is causing problems to the community or the environment. Minute-by-minute data of dust levels across a plant is the first step in taking control issues caused by dust.  


Sintrol is an internationally leading provider of dust monitoring instruments for industrial environments. We work with corporations to deliver integrated dust detection solutions for their processes. Sintrol manufactures high-quality, low-maintenance dust monitors for the detection and monitoring of dust concentrations. Together with our over 30-year experience and our engineering department, we take pride in delivering application-specific solutions to our customers. We are helping our customers with dust-related issues around safety, profitability, and environmental responsibility and we want to be the world’s most trusted dust monitoring solution provider.  

Would you like to know more about how dust detection can improve your business profitability? Send us a message, we will contact you: